Welcome new subscribers!
Yesterday was very cool on a professional basis.
Panel went well: my co-panelists covered micro organisms and people in terms of movement, and I took it up to the geo-strategic level. So, quite the spread!
Really good Q& A afterward, and then great conversations throughout the rest of the day, to include a great speech by retired Senator Jeff Bingamen (1983-2013) who told me he ordered the book after seeing my presentation earlier (nice ego boost, very sweet man and good public official).
Then a long night of drinks and conversation with professionals in which we pretty much solved all the world’s problems.
LANL is doing its own summary of the proceedings, so I won’t pre-empt that. As for all the privileged conversations, those will stay privileged.
I worked as a Visiting Strategist at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) from 2005-2008, holding one of those infamous Q clearances (strict!), so I have great familiarity with, and respect for, the culture and how things are handled within that community.
It was, of course, an unclassified event.
Here are the slide as promised in both PDF and image forms.