The Story Behind the Illustration (1/54)
Preface: Globalization's Throughlines -- Restoring US Global Leadership in a Turbulent Era
Something I promised myself I would pursue when I had the time.
Working with the legendary Jim Nuttle, graphic recorder without peer, on this book was simply magnificent for me. His daughter and protege, Sara, helped out extensively as well with the work, which is why they’re both credited on the title page.
The generation and finalization of the book’s 54 hand-drawn illustrations is a story unto itself, one I have told up to now only in aggregate.
Here, beginning with this video, I described, from my perspective, the union of text and image captured in these drawing.
This first video, which displays all the early drafts of the illustration, starts with the book’s preface. If you know anything about writing a book, that is the most important part, so a good story here.
Won’t promise any particular rhythm on this, but I suspect it will occupy my Saturday mornings for a good long while. I really enjoyed putting this together.