It is with perverse pleasure that I witness the rapid-fire nominations coming out of Mar-a-Lago. Trump is laying down markers left and right (okay, only Right), staying true to his vision and his volatile cocktail of promises and threats.
But I have to say, my jaw is getting tired from dropping so violently — and so often.
I get Trump’s ambition and urgency: the man wants to leave his mark on the political system by recasting it comprehensively and he knows he likely only has months to accomplish this Trumpist Cultural Revolution in which opposing ideologue elites (deep-state types, “experts,” etc.) are duly punished/diminished/marginalized as true MAGA loyalists are embedded throughout. All this purging will be very familiar to anyone who’s studied the USSR, and the take-no-prisoner vibe is very Mao-like (Ask not what your leader can do for you but what you can do for your leader!).
My gut sense? If America was inevitably slated for this sort of regenerative/degenerative (your call) political transformation, then better to experience it full-bore than partially. Cards will fall where they may, china shops will be destroyed along with glass houses … you get the idea: let it all hang out in a Boomer-led reverse Sixties revolution that book-ends that generation’s time in the political spotlight.
Gotterdammerung, it is.
I feel pretty confident in predicting that this will be the last political act of the Boomers (Be sure to destroy the door on your way out!), so it is fitting that this ideological campaign seeks to erase all vestiges of the “anti-Americanism” (aka, “woke-ism”) that is perceived to have infiltrated and infected our entire society these past decades. Bad people and their bad thinking must be purged! With no punishment too severe for the Demon-crats who have, for so long, turned we true Americans away from our White Christian nationalist roots with its emphasis on firmly fixed gendered roles (women make babies, men choose when).
Finally, someone to deliver us all from the unholy reign of the transgenders — the bogey-them without peer!
How much can this Cultural Revolution achieve? We shall see.
Many Americans, I suspect, gave Trump a mandate to whip inflation now(!) and not much else. More likewise granted him a mandate to continue disengaging America from a troubled world and the “forever wars” it constantly suffers (all of which we instinctively view as “our fault” because … just because!).
Both such mandates have honorable-enough and logical-enough origins, per my notion that America must rebalance itself away from unlimited, world-spanning, market-making responsibilities and toward some re-embrace of a market-playing role that accepts the now-inescapably-evident and moving-toward-hypercompetitive multipolar world order as it is.
It’s just that Trump wants to magically re-negotiate (the trade-war/tariffs chimera) America back into the unparalleled world power of his youth — America’s fabled “golden age” of the 1950s. Naturally, with such a goal in mind, the “sins” of the Sixties must all be erased and American society re-set to those tried-and-true values encompassing various hierarchies not to be questioned (Whites lead, others follow; men rule, women nurture; Christianity reigns supreme, infidels be damned if not converted; and so on).
This is White Christian nationalism’s version of Native Americans’ “ghost dance” movement in the late 19th century: willing into being a lost past while unleashing, from on high, judgment of those responsible for its unjust destruction.
The Ghost Dance began in Nevada in 1869 with the Paiute people. The spiritual movement was a response to the US government and White settlers' pervasive conquest of Native American nations. The Ghost Dance was intended to restore Native American culture, including their lands, food, and way of life. The dance was believed to reunite the living with the spirits of the dead, who would then fight on the Native Americans' behalf.
To me, that is pretty much what January 6 represented: a performative exhibition designed to trigger the much-longed for counter-revolution. It was entirely serious to its participants and entirely ludicrous to non-believers.
The personal pain driving that show of force was — and remains — very real. It simply cannot be solved in that manner. We cannot wish away multiculturalism across our sacred lands. We can performatively banish the most recent “invaders” of our lands — something previous generations of American immigrants have, throughout our nation’s history, readily embraced as a means to prove their Americanism (with the most recent ones being the most hardcore). But that won’t change much.
The reality is that Whites are losing their majority status within our union, as are Christians. The only way to stave off that inevitable outcome is to cut ourselves off from a world where we already find ourselves in a frightening minority— a fantastic goal we will now chase with this attempted MAGA Cultural Revolution.
But, of course, the reality of pursuing a fantasy is that you must truly believe, because the steps required are profoundly vicious. Mao was up for that challenge in 1960s China, as were portions of the rebellious Boomers here in America. Now, as they age out of the system, Boomers on the right want to correct that historical mistake — that detour from “proper” Americanism.
No, I don’t think it will succeed.
But the attempt, however extended it ends up being (two/four/more years) will accomplish one thing in spades: it will remove America from any remaining pretense of sole superpower standing in our world, and, since that is both inevitable and good, that is the slim value I spot in these proceedings.
All of Trump’s picks so far speak to this would-be Cultural Revolution’s focus on regrading the domestic landscape — in effect, restoring a more “natural order.” We won’t be using our military for anything overseas — if we can help it. Instead, we’ll purge its ranks of woke-ism and other ideological impurities and set it upon those Americans who just need to go! (starting, of course, with the illegals but spreading — who knows — how far beyond?).
So, if I am an ally or competitor or enemy of the US, I now see a huge window of opportunity opening up for me and mine to re-negotiate our standing in this post-American world of Trump’s making. In effect, and, as increasingly demonstrated by Netanyahu’s Israel, that means now is the time for pursuing one’s most maximalist goals.
So long as America remains lost to its internal purge, it is anything goes internationally. Peace will be had, alright, once the intense (and entirely necessary) killing is complete, particularly of those individuals who don’t respect borders (they now being, in our minds, an even bigger global threat than governments and militaries who don’t respect borders).
Such realizations fit our world in which climate change turns us all into two types of people: those put desperately on the move and those who have to deal with those put desperately on the move. The former tend to be younger, the latter tend to be far older — a potent mix for conflict.
Who needs forever wars over there when we truly need them here? The ties that allegedly bind us have nothing on the borders that demarcate our tribe’s sacred lands — at least for a couple of years.
Force versus friction: embrace whichever works best for you and see you on the other side.
“...let it all hang out in a Boomer-led reverse Sixties revolution that book-ends that generation’s time in the political spotlight.”
Long, long-overdue. (no offense!)
The overstaying in the “political spotlight” of the Cold War generations will be a case study 100-200 years from now. In politics, in academia, in society, in... everything.
This' also an imperceptible weak link & genuine criticism about political selectioning based upon demographic brackets preference. Since it's conventional wisdom that public opinion doesn't matter, in statecrafting affairs & foreign affairs, undermining subsequent generations will be used as a cudgel against liberal democracy, no matter of the rationale used since early '80s/'90s.
Mark my words.
On the other hand, there's a genuine disappointment looming, an intergenerational “winter of discontent” so to speak.
It signals that subsequent generations were *never* trusted, to begin with, by the Cold War era generation, to be handed down the torch a lot earlier than it's being projected now – than when they were handed the torch early.
What does this say about the relationship between institutionalism (each one, not a particular sector) and intergenerational schisms, vis-a-vis... everything?
Firstly take everything I say, multiply it by .01, then divide by 2.
The historical look backs are both nostalgic and interesting, but I contend we are not in Kansas anymore Toto.
Way too many new factors, influences, shiny objects, and certainly players than in the past. Yes, human nature is kinda sort of predictable, but hey, back in the day you were pretty lucky to make it to 50 or so. Today, most of us in the West get pretty close to playing a full four quarter ball game and more and more of us get some OT in as well. Hence, decision making including core motivations are just different now than in the past. Plus, back in the day we spent so much time trying to fill our bellies, whereas today, we spend too much time trying to reduce them.
Now onto the current ballgame. I need a good historian that can find me a true, real Sorcerer that actually made real magic real. Merlin I think is/was a figment of someones imagination. Elon is not. Elon represents something that I just don't think existed at scale back in the day. Sure, there have been great entrepreneurs and even greater inventors. But rarely if ever to the scale and magnitude of a dude like Elon. And certainly not in a time compressed window of 20 or so years. Regardless of how one feels about him, he certainly qualifies for bad ass ( status. BTW....anyone know how or if you can put hyperlinks in comments in SS?
And hence, this is what America, and for that matter many around the world are attracted to, looking for, and in love with. Want to fall back on history, just think back to high school and recall who the prettiest girls always seem to wind up with. Yep, it was that SoB BadAss. Valedictorians, not so much. So made history does repeat itself, just with different tools, props, and timeframes?
So here we are. Trump, et al. = BadAss nation.
BTW, I wonder if Trump paid Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and other entertainers to perform at his events?
Rumor has it the other side utilized a play and pay strategy that ran into the millions. Guess we need to wait for the FEC reports to get to the bottom of that on both sides.
But I digress.
I truly believe that it is as simple as a majority of the country decided to stand up and take their turn at being a Bad Ass by voting for Trump. They were tired with a whole raft of issues and concerns and he was the only way out/forward. It sure seems like this is supported based on the roster of players showing up now in round one. It sure takes me back 60 years ago to a time on Connecticut Ave in Washington DC where my dad took me to see, How the West was Won ( at the Uptown theater.
So yes, in support of your Boomer analysis, many of us came up in a world of John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Carl Maulden, Debbie Reynolds, Gregory Peck, etc... and I think look back to those days in search of MAGA.
And finally, while the majority of this remains fueled by white male boomers, it's different now as there appears to be a strong sense amongst multiple races and ethnicities looking for and wanting to be Bad Asses. And there are plenty of females out there also looking to stand their ground in support of theirselves, their children, and their men. Get ready Hollywood, Westerns and action packed movies are coming back.