I would need that spelled out a bit more to figure out if we're in agreement or not. I don't know who the implied "they" doing this are. Need your scorecard. Are you with the devil here or the saints?

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Speaking peer-to-peer, Tom, as someone whom really big organizations used to pay to predict the future, and then advise them on how to deal with it, strategically, it has struck me that on this topic, almost uniquely, eschatological comparisons and excoriations of "deniers" have come to the fore to an extent rare outside of religious contexts. As such, it has *already* engendered (and, one might argue, even entrenched) just the sort of top-down authoritarian impulses characteristic of mens' bad, false, useless-invented religions of hubris, reliant on human power and wisdom, while marginalizing (if not shouting down and punishing) the zeal for truth-wherever-it-leads sort of heart-by-heart repentance from mens' top-down deluded (but safely common) notions which Jesus preached.

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