Thanks for the note Justine. I think learning and adaptation will emerge across all levels of governance, right down to very local levels.

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Thomas, thank you for the great service you’re doing by sharing the synthesis of your understanding of the big factors at play globally and how these might play out in the short-medium-long term. My Dad, Adam Pattantyus, met you in the last year or so and gifted my husband and America’s New Map.

Do you think governments are working quickly enough to re-localize supply chains? What can we be doing on a community level to build resilience?

Are there any large scale projects to improve water tables in California or other dry regions? They’ve done it very successfully in community water projects in India (https://youtu.be/Tpozw1CAxmU?si=o9pLYgLhRNypGWe8). The Paani Foundation hosts the Water Cup yearly as a competition to see which village can install the most water harvesting structures in a 45 day period.

In another example (https://youtu.be/Tpozw1CAxmU?si=5WIQ7wW9c2njfaov), the Arvari River restoration project in Rajasthan was able to restore year-round river flow within 9 years by rebuilding the water table.

You’ve got a loyal reader in me for your clear thinking and ‘beyond politics’ approach to discussing the largest issues we’re facing as a globe.

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